Why i am Lazy tired feeling low


Why am i lazy

We all know it - people are lazy. For me, laziness has been a common excuse for me to not work hard enough or overthink my decisions. People are lazy when they're tired, too busy, get bored easily, etc. To be honest, it is like having an extra-long lunch break or too much coffee every day.

You can even end up eating unhealthy food instead of drinking water! It is definitely not something you want as your health, but people love it! The fact that others tend to accept this excuse as the best one in their eyes. In any case, there were times when I thought it was just some old-timey attitude because now I'm older - I've got time to stop caring about being lazy at my workplace! The idea is that if you make a choice to be unproductive or to choose to do nothing, life seems easier and you will not have any problems at all. However, many people believe that they were actually forced to put their feet down and be able to move on with their lives if they had to work extra hours, so they just "do it".

This kind of thinking is deeply rooted in society and culture, where the way we live dictates our way of working and spending time. Therefore, being lazy is nothing new if we do not pay attention to what other countries think. Moreover, I believe that if all of us started acting this way sooner, then perhaps we would all be happier. So why am I always trying to be productive? Why am I avoiding everything? Is it really necessary to sacrifice my comfort? No, let's go back and look for an answer! Let's start by saying that in order to be more efficient and productive you should prioritize your tasks. When you're working hard to accomplish a task or project, it does not necessarily mean that you're doing it right! If you've been slacking and procrastinating, try this simple exercise; write down a list of

3 things you need to accomplish today.

By writing it down you'll remind yourself to do them without distractions. And by doing these three things, which are listed above, it doesn't take long before you'll feel like giving in to your laziness and starting to behave like those who said that work was easy. You can do this without stressing or feeling upset; just tell yourself that you have to do the things that matter, and once done, reward yourself. Afterward, do the same thing next time. That's the magic of this method - it forces you to remember that even though it happens less, your actions are still worth your time and energy. Another major reason why we all work too hard and spend all our free time on leisure activities.

Do you ever consider doing anything else? Have you considered whether there are

better ways of spending your spare time? Instead of checking social media or watching TV or surfing the internet, you could be reading or meditating on books such as Meditation.org or Calmness.org to learn how to relax, de-stress or simply tune out from time to time to enjoy what you do. There are so many different apps that help you find meditation, guided meditation, hypnosis, mindfulness or yoga videos to practice with, so check out the options available to find something that suits you and works for you. As mentioned, the point is to use less energy and time, but in reality, you don't need to do anything special to experience the benefits of relaxation or peace. Nowadays, technology is growing rapidly, so if you do not invest in yourself and the tools that allow you to relax as often as possible, not only will you lose yourself in constant stress and chaos, but also become useless to others and lose meaning in your work life. Many people become distracted and lost in the noise of digital gadgets, social media sites or chatting. The truth is that our life is much shorter than we imagine, especially in comparison with what other people have. What are you going to do now? Think about it and decide how important each of these five steps can be for you. It may be helpful not only for your personal development but also for your family or close relationships and friends' happiness. One key point here is that no work is more important than sleep. You probably already know that working hard during the day is very likely to cause stress,

But what about nighttime or after-work hours? According to a study by Harvard Medical School, people with insomnia slept fewer hours than someone who didn't have it.

This finding suggests that sleeping during the night might make a difference in overall well-being, and that there is value in prioritizing daily periods of good sleep, rather than being overly stressed in general. Also, research shows that getting five to seven hours of sleep per night or sleeping eight to ten hours may reduce the risk of developing heart disease, obesity and diabetes, increase longevity and mental health, lower blood pressure, improve cognitive function, and enhance brain function. It means that one thing has been proven for a lot of people,

So why are we ignoring these facts?

Sleep is a necessary component for emotional balance and emotional equilibrium, and there is no benefit in depriving yourself. Even worse, most people tend to stay up late for this reason, but there is a solution for this dilemma - getting regular 5 to 7 hours of sleep.

Studies have shown that the amount of sleep is directly related to mood, and poor sleep habits can lead to negative emotions and feelings. Having a decent amount of sleep can make the situation even simpler, since you won't experience high-levels of anxiety or depression, and as such, will be less prone to stress. There are also plenty of studies that show that quality sleep can affect memory, concentration, intelligence, and motivation. So, sleep will definitely play a positive role in your personal development and professional growth. The bottom line here is that we should try to give ourselves and our loved ones as much rest as possible, but don't forget to prioritize our mental wellbeing!

Your partner?

Your spouse?

Your kids?

Maybe you need to listen to audiobooks or take walks around the neighborhood to calm your mind?

Take care of yourself, and no excuses!
