Andrew Tate Attacked in jail

Was Andrew Tate really attacked in jail? 

All  substantiation shows that his claims of being' jumped' in jail are  further than questionable   On Sunday, while  confined in Romania, Andrew Tate or his family may have been brought to the sanitarium, according to a report bear on Twitter by AndrewTate.Given that Tate is a  internee, it was unclear who posted the communication.    

 The account claimed that Tate had been" attacked," but Romanian media suggested a less dramatictruth.Tate's tweet included a link to an composition from the Romanian publication Spy News, which said that one of the sisters had been taken to the sanitarium after a regular  scan at the captivity medical center. Whether Andrew or his family Tristan was involved wasn't made clear.  

   According to  intelligencer Carmina Pricopie, who was cited by Spy News in a report from Romanian CNN station Antena 3, the family was appertained to a sanitarium expert following his physical.  " The Matrix has attacked me," the account  twittered." But they  misinterpret, you can not kill an idea. Hard to Kill."   Is there any  verity to this alleged attack?  There was no  substantiation to back up theassertion that Tate was  designedly injured in the Romanian reporting. 

    The" Matrix"  flicks have been mentioned on Tate's account  multitudinous times, along with cryptic claims that the  inquiry is a plot against him.     Tate hasn't specifically addressed the allegations of  mortal trafficking. Although his attorney  abstain  from declaring Tate to be innocent, he claimed to Romanian news  point Gândul that there was no other  substantiation beyond the victims'  testaments.   On December 29, 2022, the sisters and two other suspects in a  mortal trafficking  disquisition were taken into  guardianship.   In a statement reviewed by Insider, Tate is  indicted of using the" loverboy approach" to  retain women and exploiting them to  produce porn for their online company.  

 A Romanian court dragged  the original 24- hour detention period for Tate and the others to 30- days. While the inquiry is ongoing, authorities have taken  numerous of Tate and his family's vehicles and  effects.
